var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_51HWMiSJoEtlrQ2NqKqYIJH13raDUjWFP9KnO5obE6slqFElfTpRw71FMLBDH8A0mUuVIhJeEjNS4n1pvBdG745MW00XrMX3Yjh');
var elements = stripe.elements();
// Custom styling can be passed to options when creating an Element.
var style = {
base: {
// Add your base input styles here. For example:
fontSize: '16px',
color: '#32325d',
// Create an instance of the card Element.
var card = elements.create('card', {style: style});
// Add an instance of the card Element into the `card-element`
// Create a token or display an error when the form is submitted.
var form = document.getElementById('payment-form');
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
stripe.createToken(card).then(function(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the customer that there was an error.
var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
} else {
// Send the token to your server.